What is Your Birthstone Personality?: Your Gemstone Traits

6 years ago

January: Garnet The Garnet symbolizes love, constancy, and faith and loyalty. If your birthstone is garnet, you are protective and supportive…

July’s Birthstone History: The Ruby

6 years ago

The richly red ruby has been one of the most prized gemstones for millennia. Since ancient times, the ruby has…

The Ultimate Guide to Diamond Hoops

6 years ago

Diamond hoop earrings are a jewelry classic. They’re gorgeous, chic, and come in many different styles to suit your tastes.…

Buying Cushion Cut Diamond Studs? Top Tips You Must Know

6 years ago

Cushion cut diamonds are a gorgeous, vintage-style diamond shape. If you’re considering buying cushion cut diamond studs, you may be…

How to Buy the Best Diamond Stud Earrings

6 years ago

Diamond stud earrings are beautiful and timeless. They’re also incredibly versatile. There are so many different styles of diamond studs.…

Real Diamonds vs. Lab Grown: Are Both In Fact Diamonds?

6 years ago

Lab grown diamonds may be compared to created diamond simulants but the fact is, lab-created diamonds are chemically and physically…

Most Expensive and Unique Diamonds and Studs

6 years ago

Every diamond is as unique as a snowflake— but some diamonds are even more unique than others. In this post,…

How to Keep Your Diamonds Sparkling

6 years ago

Diamonds are as strong as they are beautiful. But though diamonds are one of the most durable substances on earth,…

The Meaning Behind the Gemstones You Wear

6 years ago

Everyone knows that gemstones are beautiful. But do you know the symbolic meaning behind the gemstones? Since ancient times, gemstones…

Emerald Jewelry Inspired by the May Birthstone

6 years ago

Emeralds, prized throughout the ages for their stunning green hue, are the May birthstone. Emeralds are associated with unconditional love,…