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Men's Single Diamond Earring Size Guide

How do I buy a Men's Diamond Stud Earring?

When buying something as simple as one single earring for a man or woman, it's critical to keep in mind a few key factors to determine what the size of one stud earring will actually look like.

What Will One Diamond Stud Earring Look Like On?

The Carat Total Weight of the earring, or CT. TW., will be the full weight of the stud earring and represent the size of the stone.

Example: 1ct. tw. earring will have a single diamond that represents that weight. Because the diamond is larger, it may be more expensive than the comparable 1.00 ct. tw. diamond earring pair.

As pairs have two smaller diamonds that split the total weight.

What Will Be The Size of My Single Diamond Stud?

Unlike diamond earring pairs that have a combined total carat weight represented by the combination of two stones, single studs carat size is represented by one, individual diamond earring for the total carat weight of the earring.


1.00 carat tw. 6.5 MM
0.87 carat tw. 6.0 MM
0.75 carat tw. 5.8 MM
0.63 carat tw. 5.55 MM
0.50 carat tw. 5 MM
0.38 carat tw. 4.67 MM
0.31 carat tw. 4.3 MM
0.25 carat tw. 4.1 MM
0.20 carat tw. 3.8 MM
0.17 carat tw. 3.5 MM
0.13 carat tw. 3.2 MM

Diamond carat is often misunderstood and actually refers to a diamond's weight, rather than the table size. The total carat weight can vary by a diamonds size depending on it's cut quality.

It's important to note that a size chart is an average measurement millimeter (mm) size of the table that represents the comparable carat weight of a high quality cut diamond.

Generally, a diamond guide is a good reference to the 'mm' size for a very good cut stone or superior cut stone like an excellent cut.

Tips on Selecting the Best Value Diamond Stud Earring for Men

When buying one diamond earring stud for a man consider the quality of the diamond. As this becomes more visible in a larger earring. For instance, if purchasing a 1/2 carat diamond stud or smaller the diamond quality could be an I1 (Included level 1) and not be that noticeable allowing the purchaser to get a better value.

Though, in single earrings larger than a 3/4 carat diamond, the inclusions become more visible on the larger table. Selecting an SI1 (only slightly Included Level 1) quality or better is recommended.

Get more guidance on diamond quality from our full Earring Buying Guide.

How Big is a 1.00 Carat Round Diamond?

1.00 carat tw. Round diamond stud in yellow gold bezel setting

By now you probably know the 1 ct tw diamond is approximately 6.5mm or 0.25" in diameter.

The single 1.00 ctw diamond earring size will be noticeable so be sure to keep in mind the quality and cut grade to ensure maximum brilliance.

Replacing One Lost Diamond Earring

It is possible to replace one lost stud earring. By shopping our single stud earrings you can select the half carat weight of the original pair.

Whether your stud earrings were originally purchased from DiamondStuds.com or not, we can either professionally match your single earring or help guide you to the right single replacement diamond stud earring.

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